Friday, September 13, 2019

Testing Moneybutton tip mechanism

This may look a bit cheeky because it's the equivalent of a busker's hat at the bottom of my blog posts. But I want to see how easy it is to add a Moneybutton button to my blog.

Using the button below, readers who are signed up with a Moneybutton account can pay me a small amount - I have set it at £0.01 - by swiping the button, left to right, to drag the blue dot across the text:

Although, I now realise, if you're not signed up to Moneybutton, or haven't logged into your Moneybutton account on the browser you're using, the button above will be grey, telling you that you can't use it.

If you're coming to this with no knowledge of Bitcoin, here are a few things to try to help orient you:

- Bitcoin is good for making micropayments. While, in theory, you might be able to send a payment of one penny using conventional payment mechanisms - or maybe not, I don't know - the charges that a service like Paypal add on mean it's not practical.

- Moneybutton makes it even easier, by creating the button you see above. Once you swipe that, there's no further confirmation required: the transaction just happens, and you'll get an email from Moneybutton to say it's happened.

- When you use Moneybutton, your transaction takes place in Bitcoin, but you don't need to concern yourself with that as Moneybutton translates the Bitcoin value into ordinary currency, so you know how much you're dealing with.

- But if you go into your Moneybutton account, you can get 'back' to the actual Bitcoin transaction on the blockchain - which will probably be incomprehensible, but at least you can see it's for real.

- Moneybutton uses a particular kind of Bitcoin called BitcoinSV which has certain features that make it better for actual, practical uses like this, rather than pure speculation, for which other forms of Bitcoin are better known.

- Alongside Moneybutton, there are many other apps and services being developed for BitcoinSV which you can find out more about in the reporting I'm doing for CoinGeek.

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